Resources: 1st-2nd

Visual Thinking:  

The Four-Color Theorem: The Four Colour Theorem states that it will take no more than four different colours to colour a map or similar diagram so that no two regions sharing a border are coloured in the same colour. The first statement of the Four Colour Theorem appeared in 1852 but surprisingly it wasn’t until 1976 that it was proved with the aid of a computer. A simpler computer-aided proof was published in 1997 and in 2005, the theorem was proven by mathematician Georges Gonthier with general purpose theorem proving software." Transum, 11/13/15 

You can try this with any coloring page!  Just take out any four colors and try not to make them touch (or share a border). You can practice here:  

It takes a surprising amount of thought and planning! 

ArtHub: Learn to draw just about anything! 

Beginner tangram puzzles have the shapes colored and outlined: Easier Tangram Puzzles  

You can print a FREE set of tangrams and puzzles here: 

Puzzles: ANY puzzle is great but try a 200-300 piece for a long-term project.  Here are some online jigsaw puzzles:

Algebraic thinking: 

Using a visual pan balance, you try to make each side balance (very similar to what we are doing in class!) Pan Balance

Similar to the pan balance game, but uses mobiles as the visual:

Divergent Thinking 

Pull out the craft materials!  

Build something out of a cardboard box 

Brainstorm: What else could you do with…? A hat? A spoon? A bedsheet? 

Make up a new game using materials from other games: balls, bowling pins, baseball gloves, etc 

Build a Rube-Goldberg Machine: Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist and inventor. He is best known for making zany contraptions. These inventions, know as Rube Goldberg machines, solve tasks through a series of chain reactions. Draw a Rube Goldberg inspired cartoon or build a machine out of available materials. Image search ‘Rube Goldberg machines’ for ideas and inspiration.

Switchzoo: Combine animal parts to create a new animal. Give the animal a namer and describe its habitat based on its unique characteristics. Desceribe how it protects itself, collects food, and in what way it is camoflauged to best survive it its habitat. Play the free game at

Evaluative Thinking:  

Play ‘Would you rather?’ Here are some questions to get you started: Would you rather...? 

Play ‘What would you do?WWYD Jar  

Convergent Thinking:  

Puzzle Baron: Wide variety of puzzles! You can print or play online. Puzzle Baron 

Book with a variety of convergent thinking puzzles: Thinking and Reasoning 

Free printable beginner logic puzzles: Woo jr 

Wide variety of brainteasers at all levels:

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