Tuesday, January 27, 2015

                                                           February 2015

Dear Parents,
    We're so glad to have our students back after a long testing season! We've also enjoyed welcoming our new Target students. The transition back to our routine has gone very smoothly.
    Our new first grade Target students have had a great start! We've been strengthening our Target community and learning convergent thinking skills. Next week, we'll begin learning about the multiple intelligences and how to identify and develop our strengths and weaknesses. They are already a great group of Target thinkers!
   We're excited to begin our new units for the Spring. In 4th and 5th grade, we're starting Nothing but the Truth, an evaluative thinking unit with elements of Democracy, law and debate. We held an art show with art critiques in January. In the coming weeks, we'll hold a debate and mock trials. We're also looking forward to a STEAM mini-unit in the Spring in which we'll build working solar-powered water heaters.
     2nd and 3rd graders have been working on a STEAM mini unit in which they are constructing umbrellas. Perfect for this nasty weather we've been having! Hopefully, our stuffed animals will stay dry during our test and present session. 2nd and 3rd graders will soon begin our new unit 'Gizmos and Gadgets'. They are fascinated by the new Recon robots and can't wait to start programming!
     As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
                     Thanks for your support,
                             Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Sanders