Friday, January 25, 2019

Upcoming Assignments

Hi Parents,
    We have had another awesome week in Target! We have some upcoming assignments for all grade levels. Here is the rundown:

1st and 2nd: Genius Hour Jr information will be coming home soon. This is a way for our youngest Target students to begin researching and sharing information on a topic of interest. Genius Hour Jr is done at home and presented in class.

3rd: 3rd graders will have a Robot Trading Card assignment attached to their tallies this upcoming Tuesday. It is due February 12. They will also be bringing home information about Genius Hour. This year, third graders will complete the research in class and finish the product at home. Presentations will be in late April/ early May.

4th: 4th Graders are being challenged to do their best Genius Hour yet by thinking beyond our classroom and bringing their information to a wider audience. Students will complete the research in class and finish the product at home. Presentations will be in late April/ early May. 

5th: 5th graders are working very hard to wrap up their Inventure projects! Please check tallies for students responsibilities, which may include printing or typing at home, bringing in a tri-board or bringing materials for prototypes. 

As always, please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions! 

             Thanks for your support, 
                          Ms. Sanders and Mrs. Parsons

Friday, January 18, 2019

Cubing, Programming and Engineering!

Dear Parents,

     We have had a very busy first week back with students! We missed having our regular classes during testing, but are so thrilled to have new Target students!

     Our new 1st graders have begun Leonardo DaVinci: The Ultimate Renaissance Man. We have talked about what it means to be a Renaissance Man (being good at many different things) and how we are all Renaissance Boys and Girls! We will learn about Leonardo’s interests in science, art, engineering/design and even music! We are looking forward to getting to know our youngest Target students!

    2nd grade is beginning their new unit – Cubism! Cubism incorporates the art and science of the cube. We will learn about Pablo Picasso and his art – particularly his ability to let go of perfection and embrace the (sometimes messy) creative process! We will learn about math theories behind the cube and learn to “do the (Rubik’s) cube”!

     3rd graders will be embarking on many adventures in “Mission Possible: Coding and Programming”. We have met and named our rovers, now it’s time to start programming! We will learn about how to code, what it means to ‘program’ and the past, present and future of Robotic technology!

     4th grade wrapped up our ‘Survival: Wit vs Wilderness’ unit with a service learning project that will help others survive.  We collected and assembled supplies for cold weather and snack kits to be donated to MUST ministries Elizabeth Inn. Thank you so much for your contributions! It was a huge success!

      5th grade is working SO hard on Ignite! It is really exciting to see their ideas come to life! The next few Fridays will be a mad dash to the finish! We’re looking forward to our local competition and Georgia Tech!

     Be on the lookout for upcoming information about Genius Hour projects. 

                 Thanks for your support,

                                  Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Parsons