Friday, May 8, 2020

Assignments for the week of 5.11

1st Grade
 If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 
Brainteaser:Where's Rudy? (convergent thinking) 
da Vinci: The Ultimate Renaissance Man
Check out da Vinci's plans for inventions: da Vinci's inventions
(*beware of ads. One of the inventions describes a weapon. Focus on flying machine, helicopter, automobile, etc)
Visit art hub to make your own drawing of one of da Vinci's inventions. Make sure to add your own details!

2nd Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 
Brainteaser: Dragons Wordoku (convergent thinking) 
Dragons Answer Key
Evaluative Thinking and Communication Activity:

Dear Target Friends,

I have missed you very much!  I am sad that we were not able to celebrate the end of the Target year together with Target Theater and some time to talk about all the great things we did together this year. I need you to help Charlie Bones and myself have some closure for this year and give us some feedback for next year.  (Parents, Charlie is Target mascot.  He happens to be a life size plastic skeleton. We dress him up and use our divergent thinking skills when we write stories and discuss him in class.)

Please write Charlie Bones a friendly letter (you can address him Dear Charlie) in a 3-2-1 format:

3- Tell Charlie three things that you like about or things we do in Target.

2- Tell Charlie two things or activities you would like to do in Target next year.

1 – Tell Charlie one way you plan to use your Target Brain this summer. Then tell Charlie one way you think he is using his Target Brain this summer!

You write more things but that what your letter must have.  Find an envelope (or make one), put your letter inside, seal it, and put it into your Target Home Folder until August.  Charlie will have a mailbox you can put your letter when we return.  He can’t wait to hear from you!

Virtual Hugs,

Mrs. Parsons 😉

3rd Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code)  
Brainteaser: Dragons Wordoku (convergent thinking) 

Evaluative thinking and communication activity: 
Dear Target Friends,
We have missed you very much!  We are sad that we were not able to celebrate the end of the Target year together with Target Theater and some time to talk about all the great things we did together this year. We need you to help Charlie Bones and/ or Coco have some closure for this year and give us some feedback for next year.  (Parents, Charlie and Coco are Target mascots.)
Please write Charlie Bones and/or Coco a friendly letter (you can address it Dear Charlie/ Dear Coco) in a 3-2-1 format:
3- Tell Charlie three things that you like about or things we do in Target.
2- Tell Charlie two things or activities you would like to do in Target next year.
1 – Tell Charlie one way you plan to use your Target Brain this summer. Then tell Charlie one way you think he is using his Target Brain this summer!
You write more things but that what your letter must have.  Find an envelope (or make one), put your letter inside, seal it, and put it into your Target Home Folder until August.  Charlie and Coco will have mailboxes you can put your letter when we return.  They can’t wait to hear from you!
Virtual Hugs,
Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Sanders 😉

4th Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 
Brainteaser: Jigsaw Jumble
Evaluative Thinking and Communication Activity:
Dear Target Friends,
We have missed you very much!  We are sad that we were not able to celebrate the end of the Target year together with Target Theater and some time to talk about all the great things we did together this year. We need you to help Charlie Bones and/ or Coco have some closure for this year and give us some feedback for next year.  (Parents, Charlie and Coco are Target mascots.)
Please write Charlie Bones and/or Coco a friendly letter (you can address it Dear Charlie/ Dear Coco) in a 3-2-1 format:
3- Tell Charlie three things that you like about or things we do in Target.
2- Tell Charlie two things or activities you would like to do in Target next year.
1 – Tell Charlie one way you plan to use your Target Brain this summer. Then tell Charlie one way you think he is using his Target Brain this summer!
 You can write more things but that what your letter must have.  Find an envelope (or make one), put your letter inside, seal it, and put it into your Target Home Folder until August.  Charlie and Coco will have mailboxes you can put your letter when we return.  They can’t wait to hear from you!
Virtual Hugs,
Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Sanders 😉

5th Grade 
Brainteaser: Jigsaw Jumble

Jigsaw Jumble Answer Key

Evaluative Thinking and Communication Activity:

Farewell to Target

Farewell, My Sweet Target

So many great memories have happened in Target!  Now is your time to write a tribute to this special place.  Plan a farewell letter that will include all the things in your heart that you feel for Target. This speech must be at least one full page using all the skills you have learned at Davis and in Target to be an excellent writer.  Please address your letter to Mrs. Sanders or Mrs. Parsons.

Below are some ideas you may want to include in your speech.  Remember to include specific examples if you can so we can all walk down memory lane!

Favorite Units                  
STEM Activities                       
Target Theater              

Buck Bash                       
Target Tally                            

Field Trips                        
Mrs. Sanders                           

Mrs. Parsons                        
Charlie and Coco

HOE Basketball                
Survivor Tribe                           
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

Brain Games                    
Recon Robot                             
Genius Hours

Others?…J    How have you grown as a Target Student?  What will you miss most?  Any advice for younger Target Students?  What will you miss most?

1.       Brainstorm all the things you want to include about Target in your letter.  Use the above list to help you do so. Include how you felt about your years in Target.

2.       Organize your ideas so that your letter makes sense and flows.

3.       Handwrite or type your letter and put it into an envelope.

 Mail your letter to Mrs. Parsons or Mrs. Sanders (our addresses are on class dojo if you don't already know where we live! )

These letters will mean so much to us!  We will keep them and remember each one of you when we read them.

Please visit us often!  We can’t wait to hear about all your future adventures in life!

Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Sanders

Friday, May 1, 2020

Assignments for the week of 5.4

For ALL Target students and families: 

The High Museum Challenge!
Have you heard of the Getty Challenge? When the Getty Museum closed, they challenged the Internet to browse its online collection and re-create works of art at home. People used family members, pets and whatever they had lying around to create unique replicas of famous art work. 

The results have gone viral! We are challenging all our Target students to The High Museum Challenge! Here are the rules: 
1. Select a piece of art to replicate. Preferably from the High Museum - but we will accept all entries. ***Parents PLEASE closely monitor art searches with your child*** You may also choose one of the safe, previewed choices from the link below: 
High Museum Challenge
2. Get creative in finding ways to recreate your piece! Include your siblings and work together! Pets, parents and cousins are also welcome participants. 
3. Send your picture to Mrs. Sanders or Mrs. Parsons. We will complile them and send a link so you can see all submissions. Photos will not be publicly shared; we will share only with those who have a link (Target families). 

1st Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 
 Brainteaser:cookietime (convergent thinking) 

2nd Grade If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 
Brainteaser: Knitters(convergent thinking) 
Knitters Answers

3rd Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code)  
Knitters(convergent thinking) 

 4th Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 

5th Grade