Saturday, April 25, 2020

Assignments for week of 4.27

1st Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 
Brainteaserchart1 chart2 answerkey (convergent thinking) 
da Vinci: The Ultimate Renaissance Man:
da Vinci Character Traits (self-directed learner, self-reflection)
da Vinci Quotes (Relationships and connections)

2nd Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 
Brainteaser: construction tale

Affective Activity: Gratitude is a Target Character Word.  Reflect on the time we have had at home. Write down 3-5 things that you have gratitude for. (evaluative thinking, self-reflection, communication)

Gifted Standard Activity: Plan a Competition!
 Part of the Cubism Unit is to host a Rubik’s Cube Competition as a Target class for 4th and 5th grade students who try-out and want to compete.  Planning a competition takes a lot of thinking!  Since we can not plan a competition at Davis for Solving the Rubik’s Cube, let’s see if you can plan your own competition!  Think of something you and your family could compete in.  Maybe it’s to be the winner of an obstacle course you create, who can stack the most plastic cups without their cups falling, a hula hoop contest, or a scavenger hunt!  You can really make a competition out of most anything. Here’s what you will need to do:
1.   Decide what kind of competition you will host and ask permission from your parents to do so. 

     2. Decide who will compete. Will your family compete individually, in pairs, or teams?  You can include neighbors if you have a safe way do so like outside and with social distancing. You will not compete.  You will be the judge of the competition.
3. Plan the day, time, and location of the competition.
4. Create a poster (can be created on any size piece of paper) advertising your event with all the above information.
5. Hang your poster in a visible location.
6. Make a public announcement at your dinner table or in another appropriate way about the competition. Ask for people to commit to the event.
7. Conduct try-outs if needed.
8. Decide how you will judge and who will win.  Will you have only a first place winner?  Or will you have second and third place, too.  What will your prize or prizes be?
9. On the day of the competition, set-up your area for the competition. Don’t forget to plan where people will sit. Have an area where the prizes will be kept.
10. Before the competition, tell your participants the rules of the competition. Be clear. Discuss good sportsmanship. If other than family are involved in an outdoor competition, explain how everyone will practice safety.
11. Carry out the competition. You will judge who wins. 
12. Conduct an awards ceremony to recognize the winners.
Have fun!  Take a picture to share if you are able to.  You can complete this activity by May 13th. (communication, divergent thinking, self-directed learner, evaluative thinking)

3rd Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week, check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code)  
Brainteaser: construction tale

(convergent thinking)  
Gifted standard activity: Time Travel (evaluative thinking)
Coding on NearPod: We don’t have our rovers, so we can’t continue with their programming. This is the next best thing! 
Go to: 
Code to join: TNKFB
Complete the fourth lesson this week.  

 4th Grade 
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) 
If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 
Brainteaser: codebreaker
codebreaker answer key

Affective Activity: Gratitude is a Target Character Word. Create a gratitude journal with paper stapled or attached together.  Include 10 sheets of paper (or fold your paper so you have ten sheets). Decorate the cover of your journal. For the next ten days, write about one thing you are grateful for in your journal. You can include small things and big things You can illustrate your entries, too, if you wish.  Store your journal in your Target Home Folder. (self-reflection, communication, evaluative thinking, divergent thinking)

Gifted Standard Activity: SCAMPER a plastic straw! (or an item of your choice if you don’t have a straw at home or would like to work with another item!) Do you remember how to SCAMPER an object? S (substitute) C (combine) A (adapt) M (magnify or minimize) P (put to another use) E (eliminate) R (rearrange or reverse) Check out if you need a reminder. On a piece of paper, write the word SCAMPER the long way down your paper’s length. Next to each letter, write down an idea you could do to the straw using the letter given. (Remember we did this activity with a backpack in our Survivor Unit)
If you can, choose one or more ways that you brainstormed and create your new object. Take a picture to share if you can! (divergent thinking, evaluative thinking, self-directed learner)

5th Grade 
Brainteaser: codebreaker

codebreaker answer key

Affective Activity: Gratitude is a Target Character Word. Create a gratitude journal with paper stapled or attached together.  Include 10 sheets of paper (or fold your paper so you have ten sheets). Decorate the cover of your journal. For the next ten days, write about one thing you are grateful for in your journal. You can include small things and big things You can illustrate your entries, too, if you wish.  Store your journal in your Target Home Folder. (self-reflection, communication, evaluative thinking, divergent thinking)

Gifted Standard Activity: SCAMPER a plastic straw! (or an item of your choice if you don’t have a straw at home or would like to work with another item!) Do you remember how to SCAMPER an object? S (substitute) C (combine) A (adapt) M (magnify or minimize) P (put to another use) E (eliminate) R (rearrange or reverse) Check out if you need a reminder. On a piece of paper, write the word SCAMPER the long way down your paper’s length. Next to each letter, write down an idea you could do to the straw using the letter given. (Remember we did this activity with a backpack in our Survivor Unit)
If you can, choose one or more ways that you brainstormed and create your new object. Take a picture to share if you can! (divergent thinking, evaluative thinking, self-directed learner)

Peer Review of Target Talks: Watch at least 3 more Target Talks from our classes.  Post a peer review video. (communication, evaluative thinking)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Assignments for week of 4.20

1st Grade
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner)

If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code)

Brainteaser: MathLogicPuzzle (convergent thinking)
da Vinci: The Ultimate Renaissance Man Leonardo had a fine singing voice and was a skilled player of the lira da braccia. (Picture: Lira da Braccia) Leonardo even made his own lyre.
One way of showing creativity is using things in new and different ways. Can you create a musical instrument using at least 4 different items from around your house? For inspiration, check out a variety of musical instruments: Instruments of the Orchestra
Share a jam session on flipgrid! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Divergent Thinking, Evaluative Thinking, Communication, Self-directed learner)

2nd Grade
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner)

If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code)

Brainteaser: Rebus Puzzles (convergent thinking)

Research Question:  Would you rather visit an art museum, paint a picture, read a book about an artist, or create your own art gallery at home for family to visit?  Pick one and tell why. (evaluative thinking)

Gifted Standard Activity: Brainstorm the name of another famous artist (or use a safe search engine with your parent to find one).  Research the artist you have chosen and write down 3 interesting facts about that person. On a blank piece of paper, create a piece of artwork that uses some techniques of the artist you chose. Some examples might include using one or many colors like that artist, watercolor, pencil (for a sketch), shading of colors with crayons, a portrait, still life of an object, scenery..) You decide.  Save your facts and art in your Target Home Folder. (Divergent Thinking, Evaluative Thinking, Communication, Self-directed learner)

3rd Grade
If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner) If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code) 
Brainteaser: Rebus Puzzles (convergent thinking)

Watch: Binary Code for Kids
(this video is a little goofy, but does a great job explaining binary code)
Write your name in binary code: BinaryCodeYourName (convergent thinking)
Coding on NearPod: We don’t have our rovers, so we can’t continue with their programming. This is the next best thing!

Go to:
Code to join: HFWEJ
Complete the third lesson this week. 

4th Grade

If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends! (see dojo for flipgrid code) (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Self-directed Learner)

If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation! (see dojo for flipgrid code)
Brainteaser: Nonograms (also called picross, griddlers or numbergrids) at PuzzleBaron
Numbergrids (convergent thinking)

We suggest starting with 10x10, very easy settings and moving up from there. 
These helpful videos will teach you how to solve!
How to solve a 5x5 nonogram
How to solve a 10x10 nonogram

Research Question: What would you rather watch a play, skit, puppet show, or a movie?  Pick one and tell why. (Evaluative Thinking, Relationships and Connections)

Gifted Standards Activity: Using your divergent thinking skills, pretend you are an entertainment critic.  Your job is to critique (tell your opinion of) of your favorite tv show. You can write your critique in paragraph form explaining why you like the show you picked. Describe the characters, type of show, (drama, comedy, cartoon, etc.) , an episode that you especially liked, and other reasons why you like this show so much.  Your critique should be a minimum of three paragraphs.

Save your critique in your Target Home Folder. (Communication, Evaluative Thinking, Relationships and Connections)

5th Grade
Brainteaser: Nonograms (also called picross, griddlers or numbergrids) at PuzzleBaron
Numbergrids (convergent thinking)
We suggest starting with 10x10, very easy settings and moving up from there. 
These helpful videos will teach you how to solve!

Research Question: Perseverance is one of our Target character words.  Define it and give an example of how you are showing perseverance right now. (Evaluative Thinking, Relationships and Connections)

Gifted Standard Activity:  Time for Target Talks!  Is your Target Talk interesting and informative?  Practice your Target Talk one more time. Remember to use a clear voice, expression where appropriate, hand gesturing, and use eye contact (don’t read from your cards) Film yourself and post on Flipgrid (see dojo for flipgrid code).  Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Parsons can’t wait to hear your talk and give you feedback!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Assignments for week of 4.13

1st grade:

If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends!

If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation!

Brainteaser: Try these visual thinking brainteasers! (hint from the webpage - use uncooked spaghetti noodles to figure it out before drawing the lines)

da Vinci: The Ultimate Renaissance Man

da Vinci wrote in his journal backwards! See if you can write a sentence forwards AND backwards.  Check your backwards writing in a mirror to see if you succeeded!

2nd grade:

If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends!

 If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation!

Brainteaser: Complete the beginner Picross brainteasers: Beginner PICROSS
Answers here: PICROSS answer key
Directions here: How to solve a PICROSS

Critical Thinking Activity: I know you have watched the roving reporter on TMW- Tiger Morning Wakeup at Davis. What if you were the roving reporter and you had to interview Pablo Picasso? Write an interview that you would use to tell Davis Elementary more about this famous artist. You would be the roving reporter asking the questions and you would write down Pablo Picasso’s answers to your questions. Write down ten questions (no less and no more than ten) that you would like to ask him and what Pablo’s answers would be. 

3rd Grade:

If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends!

 If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation!

Brainteaser: Complete the beginner Picross brainteasers: Beginner PICROSS
Answers here: PICROSS answer key
Directions here: How to solve a PICROSS

RQ: Which type of brainteaser is your favorite? Tell Mrs. Sanders (through e-mail or dojo) and she will assign more of our favs!

Coding on NearPod: We don’t have our rovers, so we can’t continue with their programming. This is the next best thing!

Go to:
Code to join: TPXZC

Complete the second lesson this week. 

4th grade:

If your Genius Hour is due this week, post it to flip grid! Check back for feedback from your teacher and friends!

If your Genius Hour is NOT due this week – check out your friend’s videos on flip grid. Leave a video reply telling them what you liked about their presentation!

Brainteaser:  Puzzle Baron DropQuote
Dropquote HINTS
Dropquote ANSWER

Research Question: Using a device or laptop, research why a rainbow happens. Write a detailed answer.  Don’t forget to cite where you found your research.

Divergent and Communication Activity:  Explain to a family member what a tableux is (a short five second dramatization of a scene without voices or props). If possible, enlist a few family members to create a tableux. You will have to explain to them how there is a five second count down and a freeze in place that actors do to show a scene set in place. You can tell me about it when we return!

Divergent Thinking and Communication Activity; Family Variety Show: Do you enjoy the Davis Variety Show?  Do and your family members have talent?  Create your own Family Variety Show night!  Create an invitation which tells the day, time, and place for the event.  Tell them any details needed. Will you provide snacks or should they bring their own? Should they bring anything to sit on or is seating provided? Then recruit your family to be the talent!  Each person will do something whether it’s read a story, sing a song, tell a joke, play an instrument, say a poem, dance, juggle, etc.  Some family members may have to be encouraged to do this but tell them it will be fun!  (And that it’s part of your home studies for Target this week!) Ask your family to be ready for when you have planned your show.  And don’t forget you!  What will you do for the show besides organize it and host it?  Don’t forget to include your talent in it as well. Create a program of the events in your show with the person’s name included of who will be performing. Include an intermission if you wish. Should you decorate for the show?  What can you use for a pretend microphone?  Use your divergent thinking skills to make this a fun and creative activity for your family to do while at home.  What if you have a small family?  People can do more than one act! Or at least you can! Maybe your dog or cat would like to do an act? Keep your invitation, program of events, and take a picture to share if possible!

5th Grade:
Brainteaser:  Puzzle Baron DropQuote

Research Question: Using a device or laptop, write an answer to the following question: What is in hand sanitizer that helps kill germs? How does it work most effectively? How could you make your own?

Target Talk: Practice your Target Talk in front of family members. Ask if they have any questions at the end. Ask for glows and grows to reflect on.

STEM: Finish your STEM Challenge. Give it a catchy name! Make improvements if necessary.

Divergent Thinking and Communication Activity: Family Variety Show: Do you enjoy the Davis Variety Show? Do and your family members have talent? Create your own Family Variety Show night! Create an invitation which tells the day, time, and place for the event. Tell them any details needed. Will you provide snacks or should they bring their own? Should they bring anything to sit on or is seating provided? Then recruit your family to be the talent! Each person will do something whether it’s read a story, sing a song, tell a joke, play an instrument, say a poem, dance, juggle, etc. Some family members may have to be encouraged to do this but tell them it will be fun! (And that it’s part of your home studies for Target this week!) Ask your family to be ready for when you have planned your show. And don’t forget you! What will you do for the show besides organize it and host it? Don’t forget to include your talent in it as well. Create a program of the events in your show with the person’s name included of who will be performing. Include an intermission if you wish. Should you decorate for the show? What can you use for a pretend microphone? Use your divergent thinking skills to make this a fun and creative activity for your family to do while at home. What if you have a small family? People can do more than one act! Or at least you can! Keep your invitation, program of events, and take a picture to share if possible!