Friday, March 27, 2020

Assignments for week of 3.30

First Grade:

Continue to work on Genius Hour Jr: research, product creation, notecards, practice  

Brainteaser: Complete the spring crossword: Spring Crossword at woojr

da Vinci STEAM Challenge: Remember how excited we were to build pasta bridges? Don’t worry – you can do it at home! Since we don’t want to use all the pasta in your pantry, you may use any materials you would like!

Here are your criteria and constraints:
      -A small toy car must be able to pass underneath your bridge
      -Your bridge must be at least 10 inches long
      -You may use any materials that you have available at your house (cardboard, paper, toothpicks, q-tips, paperclips, etc)
     - Your bridge must be able to hold the weight of a small paperback book for 10 seconds without collapsing

       *We completed some research on bridges in class, but you may want to look at some pictures of real bridges for inspiration.

Share your bridge design on flipgrid! (see dojo for code)

Second Grade:

Continue to work on Genius Hour Jr: research, product creation, notecards, practice  

Brainteaser: Choose a cryptogram to complete: Cryptogram at woojr
*Check out these tips on solving a cryptogram if you need a refresher: Puzzle Baron Cryptogram Tips
*If you need hints, ask your parents to peek at the answer key

STEAM Activity: Pablo Picasso was a unique artist as we have learned. He needs your help to fill his new art gallery. Unfortunately, you have limited supplies to create this art. Using these materials only: paper, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, yarn, paper plates and two other materials of your choice create a piece of art of your choice that you think Pablo Picasso would like (portrait, collage, sculpture, Cubism). You can use as many or as few materials on the list (two materials would be the minimum). You may use these tools and other items: scissors, glue stick, tape. Create a name for your piece of art and sign your name as the artist. Share your piece on flipgrid! (See dojo for code) 

Third Grade:

Research question: There are pros and cons to everything! Make a pros and cons list for distance learning (sleeping in! 😊 no teacher hugs… ). Here is an example of a pros and cons list for owning a dog.

Brainteaser: Choose a cryptogram to complete: Spring cryptogram at woojr

*Check out these tips on solving a cryptogram if you need a refresher: 
*If you need hints, ask your parents to peek at the answer key

Genius Hour: Research packet completed (questions and outline), product, notecards, practice in front of family, planned how you could share your presentation with a larger audience like we talked about in class (also on the rubric that went home on parent letter). Could you make a flier to give out to your homeroom, make a poster to hang on a wall at Davis when we return, present to your homeroom or another classroom when we return, create a web page or blog? These are just some ideas.  You will get more points on your presentation if you do this. 

Coding with Nearpod: We were really trying to avoid adding more websites and passwords to your load, but this is such a great resource. We don’t have our rovers, so we can’t continue with their programming. This is the next best thing! We think you will really enjoy it!

Go to: nearpod

Code to join: TMIGJ

This will instantly take you to a self-paced intro lesson to coding. The first lesson is pretty basic, but it will get more challenging as we go on. Just complete the first lesson this week.

Fourth Grade:

Finish Genius Hour: Research packet completed (questions and outline), product, notecards, practice in front of family, planned how you could share your presentation with a larger audience like we talked about in class (also on the rubric – see blog post with link). Could you make a flier to give out to your homeroom, make a poster to hang on a wall at Davis when we return, present to your homeroom or another classroom when we return, create a web page or blog? These are just some ideas.  You will get more points on your presentation if you do this. 

Brainteaser: Puzzle Barron Campsites: Campsites Puzzle
*Read the rules carefully and start with ‘extra small’ and ‘easy’ settings. It is a challenge but fun!

Research Question: Create a 3-5 question survey of your choice (for example: What’s your favorite kind of ice cream? What toppings do you like? Do you like your ice cream in a cone or cup) Survey your family by recording their answers to your questions.  Choose a way to display your results: circle graph, bar graph, picto graph...) Save your results in your Target Home Folder until we return. 

Divergent and Communication Activity: The next activity in our Cool Communicator Micro- Unit is Scenario Creation.  Students will think of a scene from everyday life, a book, a movie, an event or of their choice.  The scene should be short and just show a small part of something bigger. Students will create a written script (to be written like a play) of this scene.  They will use their Theater Troupe Tables as the actors for the scene.  Every person from the table will have a speaking part. Voices and props may be used in scenarios.  The script may be handwritten or typed.  It should be about a half to a full page long.  Please save this in your Target Home folder for when we return. 

Fifth Grade:

Brainteaser: Puzzle Barron Campsites: Campsites Puzzle
*Read the rules carefully and start with ‘extra small’ and ‘easy’ settings. It is a challenge but fun!

Research Question: Using a device or laptop, write an answer to this question and bring to class when we return: What creates fog? Which parts of our country see the most fog and why?  

Continue to work on your Target Talk: research, notecards, practice  

STEM Challenge: Create your own STEM Challenge!  

You have been part of enough STEM challenges to know what one looks like! You will write your own STEM challenge that will be formatted like you are the teacher giving it to your students. Create your own packet with all pieces of the design process below. We will vote on challenges when we return to school and the best one will be chosen as a class activity. Your challenge will be among our four table groups. You will be the instructor/facilitator for this activity providing directions and deciding the challenge winner. I will copy your packet for students and provide the materials.  

1. Ask: Think of a problem that that uses your divergent thinking skills. Write a problem scenario. (Ex. Oh, no! You have to build a bridge over the creek in your neighborhood because you need to deliver a birthday card to your best friend and the roads are being repaved. The bridge must be created only with... You can you use only these tools... And you only have … much time to build it)  

2. Research: Decide what research needs to be done to solve your problem. (Ex. For the problem I listed...research how bridges are made, what makes them strong, what different bridges look like for going over land, water, etc.)

3. Imagine: What materials are available? Think of materials people would use as a model of the real thing (ex. cardboard, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, craft sticks, plastic bags, other..) What tools are you able to use: (ex. scissors, glue, tape..) Will your materials have a budget attached (ex. $25 budget total and each item costs a certain amount including tools? Or no budget?)  

4. Plan: How much time will your classmates have to create a plan? (ex. 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 4O minutes?) Provide a plan sheet in your challenge for students to sketch a plan.  

5. Create: Table groups will create a prototype to match their solution to the problem using the plan sheet as a guide and the materials provided. One prototype per group. How much time will they have?  

6. Test: Groups will test their prototypes and you will see if they met your criteria. You will determine the challenge winner.  

7. Improve: All good engineers think of a way they could improve their design. Add a space in your challenge packet where groups can draw or describe an improvement. You will determine a second place winner after improvements are made and they are tested.  

Monday, March 23, 2020

GH Rubric and Letters

3rd and 4th grade Genius Hours:

GH Rubric

GH Student Booklet

GH Parent Letter

Genius Hour Jr. (1st and 2nd grades):

GH Jr. Parent Letter

Assignments for week of 3/23

Week of 3/23 

1st and 2nd Grades: 

        1. Work on Genius Hour
        2. Print and complete a logic puzzle (or 2...or 3) from the following site: 

3rd and 4th grades:

        1. Work on Genius Hour
        2. Evaluative Thinking Activity:

                   A family of four is fighting over the winnings of a lottery. Here are the facts: The son, age 9, had the idea to buy the ticket. The daughter, age 11, gave her brother the money to buy the ticket. The mother found the lottery ticket in the trash and compared the numbers with the winning numbers in the paper. The father drove across town in less than 10 minutes to claim the contest winnings before the deadline. Who should get the money? Why?

Part 1: Choose the person who you believe should get the money.

Part 2: Justify your thinking by providing several reasons for your judgement. Rank order (number) your ideas (1=most important idea)

Part 3: Write a paragraph stating your verdict and giving supporting reasons for your final judgement.

5th Grade: 

                                     Target Talk Planning Sheet

Have you ever wanted talk about what really matters to you or what you think other students in Target would find interesting, too?  Do you love learning and researching but you’re not crazy about filling out research packets and creating projects?  Maybe you are a great speaker or just want some practice being one?  Target Talk is all of these things and more.

You have worked so hard in Target on your Genius Hour projects!  Now it’s time to take it to the next level!  We push you each year to share your Genius Hour with a wider, more global audience.  One way to do so is to create a Target Talk that can be filmed and aired to another group of students.  We have also pushed you to research more complex topic and issues.  Now you will have time to do so!

What issue or topic are you interested in?  Circle your top 3 favorite choices below. You can also write other ideas you have on the lines that say other:

Recycling                                         Anti Bullying in Schools                              Nutrition

Animal Rescue                               Benefits of Exercise                                    Helping Marine Life

Feeding the Hungry                      National Park Preservation                        Literacy

Technology Safety                         Helping your School                                    Safety on Sports Teams

Fire Safety                                       Disease Control                                           Scouting

Other:  ___________                    Other:_______________                           Other:_____________                

Narrow your idea down to one. Put a star next to your number one idea.  Begin to gather research on your topic through web sites, interviews, books, magazines, documentaries, etc.  Take notes on notebook paper.  Cite your resources. 

 Develop your Target Talk on your topic.  Plan on about 2-5 minutes of sharing information orally. Write down your talking points on notecards. 

Practice sharing your information using expression, eye contact, and confidence in what you say.

 Be prepared to turn in your notecards and this planning sheet at the time of your Target Talk when we return. 

Monday, March 16, 2020

Family Service Learning

Hi Target Families,
    Our 4th graders partnered with MUST ministries this semester to help those who are surviving hardships. We saw the following link on the cobb webpage and thought some might be interested in a family service learning project:
MUST volunteers needed
         Take care!
               Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Parsons

Friday, March 13, 2020

Assignments for week of 3/16

We will be available through e-mail every weekday for questions from 9:00-10:30am each day. After that, we will check email periodically. Dojo is an option as well. Stay well and we hope to see you very soon!

Week of 3/16

1st and 2nd Grades:
       1. Work on Genius Hour

       2. Creative problem-solving activity:

The problem is...
When Audrey Aims goes to the grocery store, she always takes a list, since she has a pretty bad memory! The problem is that she misplaces the list after she gets to the store. She might leave it on the apple pile, in the milk cooler or next to the jolly ranchers. What can you create to keep Mrs. Aims from misplacing her list. Draw and label your solution (Bonus: Actually create it out of STEM materials!)

3rd Grade and 4th grades:
              1. Work on Genius Hour
              2. Print and complete a puzzle of your choice at Puzzle Baron

5th grade:
             1. Create your "Shark Tank persona". Consider the persons name, how the person made their money, what the person might wear, how the person might talk, where the person lives, etc.

Example: Max Millionaire is a tech genius! He invented the first flying cars. He is a mysterious and eccentric man. He dresses all in blue, all the time. He lives in a house made of solid steel outside of Silicon Valley. He speaks so softly, you can barely hear him. But don't be fooled, he is a ruthless businessman.

You could watch some Shark Tank episodes for ideas! Create a business card to display at your seat. You may also wish to create a costume for your character (check around the house for materials!) Be crazy and creative!
                 2.  Print and complete a puzzle of your choice at Puzzle Baron