Friday, February 15, 2019

Davis Local Competition Winners

Congratulations to the following Davis Inventure Competition winning teams:

Best tri-board: Garnish Graspers

Best Pitch: Painless Pod

Best Prototype: Robo Responders

People’s Choice: Garnish Graspers

3rd place: Study Sidekick

2nd place: Medic Muskateers

1st place: Garnish Graspers

We had an amazing week! Thank you so much for the teacher appreciation gifts. We loved the sweet notes, lotto tickets, treats, school supplies and gift cards. We are so grateful for our wonderful students and supportive families. Have a great winter break! 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Dear Parents,
    It's been another awesome week in Target! Here's a rundown...

    1st graders are becoming true Renaissance boys and girls! Last week, we created art on the "ceiling" and constructed musical instruments out of STEM materials. Did you know Leonardo DaVinci built his own Lyre? Next week, we will learn about DaVinci's plans for a flying machine and will begin designing our own parachutes.

    2nd graders are continuing our Cubism unit and study of Pablo Picasso. This week, we did a cubist-style piece and next week we will be creating collages. Just like Picasso, we are learning to 'let go of perfection' - in art and life!

    3rd graders are learning about programming and coding through our Mission Possible unit. We learned about technical writing by taking a scavenger hunt through our Reacon Rover manuals. We are excited to see the robot trading card projects (Due 2/12).

     4th grade wrapped up Survival; Wit Vs Wilderness with a tribal council meeting and trail mix buffet! Our service learning project was a huge success! The warming kits and snacks are much appreciated by MUST ministries. Thank you so much for your donations and support!

    5th graders have done an amazing job on Ignite! They have been working so hard as we rushed to the finish! Please join us for our local competition on February 15th from 9-11 in the learning commons. We know you will be just as impressed as we are!

       Thanks for your support,
                 Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Sanders

Friday, February 1, 2019

Inventure 2019!

Our local Inventure competition for 5th grade will be on February 15th! Be on the lookout for an official invite coming to 5th grade parents soon. They have worked so hard on their projects! We are proud of them and we know you will be, too!