September 2016
Dear Parents,
We’ve had a great start to Target! We enjoyed seeing new faces and old friends at our parent meeting. If you missed it, we will hold another orientation meeting mid-year for new or existing Target parents.
Please be sure to check your child's tally each week. We often include assignment info or reminders and requests. You may want to check your child's tally as soon as your child gets home from their Target day to avoid those night-before surprises. =)
Our first graders are being introduced to one of the most notable geniuses in history – Leonardo da Vinci! Students are discovering the work, times and continuing impact of the ultimate Renaissance man. They will read, write, discuss, observe, draw, analyze and create as they learn how to be successful Target students!
Second and third grade students began the year with a mini-STEAM unit called ‘STEAM Carnival’. We learned how force and motion can be applied to create roller coasters and carnival games. We also hosted the STEAM Carnival where we had the opportunity to share our games and designs with others.
Following our STEAM mini-unit, we’ll begin our mystery unit, STEAM Sleuths. Our class mascots (Mr. Bones and Coco the Gorilla) have been stolen from our classrooms! Students will determine ‘whodunit’ using critical and evaluative thinking skills. We will learn about the science of crime scene investigation as well as the art of good detective work.
Our 4th and 5th Graders enjoyed visiting Yellowstone National Park in our mini STEAM Unit: Survivor Yellowstone: Energy, Ecosystems and Eruptions! Ranger Sanders and Ranger Parsons guided the students on a park adventure that kept everyone engaged. They especially found the making and demo of our geysers exciting. We finished our park adventure with a “campfire” and s’mores while sharing cowboy stories and reflections.
For our Fall semester unit, 4th graders will be using evaluative, critical, and affective thinking skills in a unit called Survivor- Where wit meets wilderness! We will explore what it takes to endure the wilderness through STEAM activities, a novel study, and an exciting outdoors field trip. We will strengthen our critical thinking skills as we find our way through problem based learning lessons as well as recognize how important courage is in all facets of our lives.
We’re very excited about the upcoming opportunity for 5th graders in our InVenture unit. We’ll be partnering with Georgia Tech to participate in a program that allows younger students to participate in the InVenture prize competition. Students will work to design a unique product or invention, prototype and tri-board. They will then “pitch” their idea to a panel of judges in a series of competitions, beginning with our local school competition. We are excited to open the world of innovation to our fifth graders!
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thanks for your support,
Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Sanders